- HomeEntrance Exams in India
Given below is the List of Entrance Exams in India 2019 for MBA, Engineering, Medical, Law, Architecture and Civil Services Exam. There is no escaping exam in India. Whether you want to work for a private company or for government sector, you will have to go through the rigors of exams. It is not just jobs, even getting through to desired courses (graduate and post graduate) requires the aspiring candidates to go through these entrance exams.
Some of the most popular entrance exams in India are for engineering, medical, mba, banks and civil services. Each exam has its own set of rules and regulations. Most of the exams are conducted at the national level. There are certain exams by some colleges that are held for admission to their very own courses only.
Art and Design Common Entrance Test (ADCET) Conducted by Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa on behalf of APSCHE for Admissions into Dr. YSR Architecture and Fine Arts University, KadapaAEEE
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University) is conducts a common Amrita Entrance Examination-Engineering (AEEE) every year on an all India basis for admission to the 4 year B.Tech. Degree ProgrammesAFCAT
Indian Air Force conducts Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) for candidates to recruit them to Flying, Technical and Ground Duty Officer Branches. It came intoAIAPGET
National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts All India AYUSH Post Graduate Entrance Test (AIAPGET) for admission to MD / MS / PG DIPLOMA Courses in Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Homeopathy system of medicineAIBE
All India Bar Examination (AIBE) is to examine an advocate’s capability to practice the profession of law in India. The AIBE will assess skills at a basic level and is intended to set a minimum benc
Given below are AIIMS 2020 exam dates, application form and prospectus for MBBS. All India Institute of Medical Sciences directs AIIMS MBBS Examination for the best studentsAIIMS Paramedical Exam
Are you searching for information on AIIMS Paramedical Entrance Exam? if so, your are certainly on the right page. AIIMS Paramedical entrance exam is directed by the All IndAIIMS PG Entrance Exam
AIIMS PG (Postgraduate) exam is directed by the All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) as an entrance exam for aAILET
AILET or All Indian Law Entrance Test (AILET) is a paper-pen based OMR entrance test directed by the National Law University, New Delhi for admission to its B.A. L.L.B (Hons