- HomeEntrance Exams in India
Given below is the List of Entrance Exams in India 2019 for MBA, Engineering, Medical, Law, Architecture and Civil Services Exam. There is no escaping exam in India. Whether you want to work for a private company or for government sector, you will have to go through the rigors of exams. It is not just jobs, even getting through to desired courses (graduate and post graduate) requires the aspiring candidates to go through these entrance exams.
Some of the most popular entrance exams in India are for engineering, medical, mba, banks and civil services. Each exam has its own set of rules and regulations. Most of the exams are conducted at the national level. There are certain exams by some colleges that are held for admission to their very own courses only.
Assam SLET
State Level Eligibility Test Commission, North East Region, Assam conducts State Eligibility Test (SET) for lecturership.Member States - Assam, Arunachal PradAssam TET
Government of Assam, Secondary Education Department conducts Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) for recruitment of Post Graduate Teachers.Assam TET 20ATMA
AIMS Test for Management Admissions (ATMA) is a test for selection to MBA, PGDM, PGDBA and other postgraduate management courses.
Aliah University, Kolkata conducts Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT) for admission to its various courses.
AUAT 2019 Eligibility:-
Code A 01 -
Andhra University Visakhapatnam conducts Andhra University Engineering Entrance Test (AUEET) for admission to following courses.BARTI UPSC RC CET
Barti (Babasaheb Ambedkar Research and Training Institute) conducts BARTI UPSC RC CET for admission into residential coaching classes for scheduled caste (SC) candidates at Pune and Nagpur for UPSC (Civil
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University conducts MCA Entrance Test (BCAT) for admission to Master of Computer Application (MCA) and Lateral Entry to 2nd year MCA at
Institute of Management aBCECE
Given the large student base in the state of Bihar and few selected seats for professional courses an entrance exam is considered as the most fair means of admission to variBharath University Entrance
Bharath University Chennai conducts Bharath Engineering Entrance Examination (BEEE) for admission to its B.Tech courses.
BEEE 2022 Eligibility:-A pass in 10+2
BHU BSc Nursing Entrance Test
Banaras Hindu University (BHU) Varanasi conducts BSc Nursing Entrance Test for admission to its four years B.Sc. nursing course.
BHU BSc Nursing Entrance Test 2021 Eligibility:-