• (3 out of 5 based on 233 Ratings)

  • Affiliated Board : MLS System (Millennium Learning System)
    Website : http://www.themillenniumschools.com/
    Contact Details : The Millennium School, D-108, Sector 41, Noida. Tel: 9958044211, 0120 - 4217341 / 42

The Millennium Schools, powered by the Millennium Learning System (MLS), aptly called the Science of Education. The Millennium Schools are known for their academic excellence, sports facilities and co-curricular activities. The Millennium Learning System is based on the belief that locked within every child is the inherent potential for greatness.


The school academic year is from April to March.

Registration Forms for admission in the academic year 2013-14 will be issued at our Administrative Office or can be downloaded at the official website.

Selection of the candidates will be based on merit.

The school reserves the right to admissions. In all matters pertaining to admission, the decision of the Admission Committee will be final.


The School has the excellent infrastructure facility which provides large libraries and state-of-the-art Computer Laboratories and boasts of separate laboratories for physics, chemistry and biology, transportation, etc.


The Millennium School,
D-108, Sector 41,
Tel: 9958044211, 0120 - 4217341 / 42


