• (3 out of 5 based on 233 Ratings)

  • Affiliated Board : CBSE
    Website : http://www.kvbhadarwah.org/index.php
    Contact Details : District Doda, J&K, Pin code: 182222. Tel: 01997-245187  

Kendriya Vidyalaya Bhadarwah was opened under civil sector in the year 2003. Presently the school is functioning in temporary building and has single section with science stream in Sr Secondary.

The school envisions itself a world class organization in school education committed to continually empowering teachers to actualize inside out synergy in students and enable them to fulfill futuristic societal, national and global needs and aspirations.


Parents who wish to enroll their children can contact the school office for application forms and further details.

All qualified candidates can apply for admission to the school.

Candidates are admitted based on the rules and regulations followed by the school.


Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission


Infrastructure facilities available in the school campus:

• Class room
• Science Lab
• Computer Lab    
• Library    
• Resource room
• Activity room    
• Maths Lab    
• SUWP & Art Craft    
• Chemistry Lab
• Physics Lab    
• Medical Room    


District Doda,
J&K, Pin code: 182222.
Tel: 01997-245187


