MES College of Engineering Courses offered :

Kendriya Vidyalaya CRPF, Pallipuram Courses offered

  • BE Computer Engineering
    MES College of Engineering offers Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering, a four year course with an annual intake of 120 students. This course is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University...
  • BE Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
    MES College of Engineering offers Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, a four year course with an annual intake of 120 students. This course is affiliated to Savit...
  • BE Mechanical Engineering
    MES College of Engineering offers Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, a four year course with an annual intake of 120 students. This course is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune Universi...
  • ME Mechanical Engineering Design
    MES College of Engineering offers Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Design, a two year course with an annual intake of 24 students. This course is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune Unive...
  • ME Signal Processing
    MES College of Engineering offers Master of Engineering in Signal Processing, a two year course with an annual intake of 24 students. This course is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University.
  • ME Computer Engineering
    MES College of Engineering offers Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering, a two year course with an annual intake of 24 students. This course is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University.

About MES College of Engineering

Modern Education Society’s College of Engineering, Pune was established in the year 1999 and conducts the following courses leading to Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering & Master Degree in E..