• Established In : 2011
    Affiliated To : Pune University
    Website : http://www.aimsbaramati.org
    Address : T.C.College Campus, Baramati,  Dist-Pune (Maha.) 413 102.  Tel: 02112-227299  

Anekant Institute of Management Studies, Pune is one of the leading Business Institutes founded in the year 2011. It offers MBA programme where students are not trained to occupy jobs but they are developed to create jobs and aims to build the intellectual capital of the business leaders of tomorrow by inculcating in them creative thinking, risk management, decision making ability and proactive leadership skills along with the team spirit.


Courses offered in the college:
Exams: CAT / MAT / CET / XAT / ATMA / CMAT
Download Application Form either from Institute website and submit it, by sending a DD of Rs.600/- only in the favor of "Director, Anekant Institute of Management Studies (AIMS)", payable at Baramati or collect through AIMS administrative office.
Admission is a centralized process which is designed by DTE,Maharashtra. Candidates are strictly admitted as per the merit of Common Entrance Test (MAH-CET) or valid scores of any National and State Level Entrance Exam Such as CAT / MAT / CET / XAT / ATMA / CMAT.



College include following facility in campus: 
• Library
• Reading Hall
• Seminar Hall
• Classrooms
• Boys/Girls Common Rooms
• Administrative Office
• Examination Centre
• Computer Lab
• Technology
• Hostel/Canteen
• Sports Ground
• Gymnasium


Anekant Institute of Management Studies, Baramati Courses offered

Exams Accepted:


The students of the college are trained for placements from the first semester itself in the areas like personality development, group discussions, interviews, aptitude, and communication skills etc. Many leading companies visit college campus for recruitment every year.


T.C.College Campus, Baramati, 
Dist-Pune (Maha.) 413 102. 
Tel: 02112-227299

