- HomeDistance Universities in India Mahatma Gandhi University Distance Education
Email : sdemg@samacharnet.in
Website : http://www.sdemgu.org/
Address : Kottayam School Of Distance Education Mahatma Gandhi University, Priydarshni Hills, Kottayam
Cost effective quality education that is the hallmark of Mahatma Gandhi University's School of Distance Education (SDE). Striving to provide "Education for all" MG University has carved a distinctive niche for itself among distance education providers in the country. A member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and recognized by the tripartite committee of the UGC-AICTE-DEC, SDE has 73 off-campus centers of which 66 are based in India and 7 abroad. The university offers graduate and post graduate courses in faculties of science & technology, management & commerce, arts and applied technology.
Three key features of Mahatma Gandhi University Distance Education
• Student support services
• Study Centers
• Fixed scheme of examination and early declaration of result.
Mahatma Gandhi University Distance Education Admission:-
All Courses at the Off Campus Academic Centres of the School of Distance Education will be governed by the Rules for Private registration in force at Mahatma Gandhi University.
Entrance tests will be conducted for admission to M.B.A/ M.C.A. courses, as per rules in this regard. Those seeking admission to BCA course who have not studied Mathematics at the Plus Two level will have to undergo a Foundation Course of 90 hours duration.
Students willing to seek admission in the university can apply through online process. Forms will be available on the official website.
An applicant seeking admission to a particular course should take a DD of Rs 500/- for Centres in India and US $50 Dollars for International Centres.
For each of the course provided by the university, there are some of the specified eligibility rules which have to be followed by the students.
Mahatma Gandhi University Distance Education Courses offered
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance MSc Mathematics
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance MA English
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance LLM
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance BLiSc Bachelor of Library Science
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance BTS Bachelor of Tourism Studies
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance MA Sociology
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance BCom with Travel & Tourism
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance BSc Computer Science
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance BBA Bachelor of Business Administration
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance BBM Bachelor of Business Management
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance MSc Information Technology
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance BCA Bachelor of Computer Application
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance B.Com with Computer
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance MBA Master of Business Administration
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance MCom Master of Commerce
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance BFT Bachelor Of Fashion Technology
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance BA Sociology
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance MA Multimedia
- Mahatma Gandhi University Distance MCA Master of Computer Application
School Of Distance Education
Mahatma Gandhi University,
Priydarshni Hills,
Mahatma Gandhi University Distance Education Results are out.
Click Here to check the latest results.
Mahatma Gandhi University Distance Education Notifications
Academic Schedule for Undergraduate Programmes III and V Semester for the academic Year 2012 2013
The Academic Schedule for Undergraduate Programmes (III & V Semester) for the academic Year 2012-13 in the Arts and Science Colleges affiliated to this University is notified herewith for information of all concerned. For Detail information Click here -
Mahatma Gandhi University Distance Education Admission 2014
Mahatma Gandhi University Distance Education invited applications for admission to various courses under the School of Distance Education (Off-campus Academic Centres) of the Mahatma Gandhi University in India and abroad.