- HomeDistance Universities in India National Law School of India University NLSIU Distance Education
Email : registrar@nls.ac.in
Website : http://www.nls.ac.in
Address : Bangalore National Law School of India University P.O. Bag 7201, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore - 560 072 Karnnataka, India Phone: UNIVERSITY EPABX +91 80 2321 3160 +91 80 2316 0532 +91 80 2316 0533 +91 80 2316 0535 Fax F: +91 80 23160534 EMAIL registrar@nls.ac.in
National Law School of India University is a specialized institute for law in India. Apart from regular courses of study NLSIU through its school of distance education offers specialized law courses for distance learners. Recognized by the Distance Education Council (DEC) and IGNOU Delhi, the university offers post graduate degree in law like two year Master of Business Law (MBL) one year post graduate courses in Human Rights Law (PGDHRL)Medical Law & Ethics (PGDMLE),Environmental Law (PGDEL),Intellectual Property Rights Law (PGDIPRL), Child Rights Law (PGDCRL), Consumer Law & Practice (PGDCLP). The university is known for its resources & approach, learning experience and results.
Three key features of National Law School of India University NLSIU Distance Education
• Specialized courses in Law
• Students services
• Fixed scheme of examination and prompt declaration of result
NLSIU Distance Education Admission 2017-18:-
National Law School of India University NLSIU Distance Education Courses offered
- NLSIU Distance Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Law & Ethics PGDMLE
- NLSIU Distance Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights Law PGDIPRL
- NLSIU Distance Post Graduate Diploma in Human Rights Law PGDHRL
- NLSIU Distance Post Graduate Diploma in Child Rights Law PGDCRL
- NLSIU Distance Master of Business Law MBL
- NLSIU Distance Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law PGDEL
National Law School of India University
P.O. Bag 7201, Nagarbhavi,
Bangalore - 560 072
Karnnataka, India
+91 80 2321 3160
+91 80 2316 0532
+91 80 2316 0533
+91 80 2316 0535
F: +91 80 23160534
National Law School of India University NLSIU Distance Education Results for all the programmes have been declared.
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