Amrita School of Pharmacy Courses offered :

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Kannur Courses offered

  • B Pharm

    This college offers B Pharm course which is a 4 year course. The course is divided into 8 semesters with an intake of 60 seats.

  • M Pharm

    This college offers M Pharm course which is a 2 year course. The course is divided into 4 semesters .

    M Pharm Specialiazation:-

    Pharmacy Practice (Hospital and Clini...

  • Pharm D

    Duration of the Course : Five years plus one year Internship

    No. of Seats : 30

About Amrita School of Pharmacy

Amrita School of Pharmacy came into existence in the year 2005 as an integral component of Amrita University. It is the first to start functioning among the schools under Health Sciences campus.