• Established In : 1991
    Affiliated To : Dr. M.G.R Medical University
    Website : www.tmdch.ac.in/
    Address : Golden Geroge Nagar Mugappair Chennai - 600 107 Tamil Nadu, India Phone: + 91 - 44 - 6547 9959 Fax: + 91 - 44 - 2653 3884

Thai Moogambigai Dental College was established in the year 1991 under the aegis of Tmt. Kannammal Educational Trust. In the short span of 11 years, the college has emerged into one of the leading dental colleges in India. The most striking feature about the college is that it is has been accorded with the status of a deemed university. The college is affiliated to Dr. M.G.R Medical University and is accredited to Medical Council of India.

The college is basically known for imparting quality education in the field of dentistry. It offers five years full time course of BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery). It the candidates are interested in acquiring Master level degree then they can opt for MDS (Master of Dental Surgery), which is three years full time course.


a) B.Sc Degree from any Indian University (recognized by the association of Indian University and accepted as equivalent by the standing Academic Board and Governing council of this University) with one of the following subjects as major subject-Physics, chemistry, Botany, zoology and one other science subject at least up to ancillary level: provided such candidate shall have passed the earlier qualifying examination(Higher Secondary or equivalent) with the subjects English, physics, Chemistry, botany/Zoology. Candidates who are not from 10 + 2 structure of the national committee will have to undergo a one year Pre Professional training before admission to Dental Colleges as laid down by the dental council of India.

b) For candidates who have studied abroad, the eligibility will be determined by the Association of Indian Universities. They should have passed in physics, Chemistry, Botany/Zoology and English with 50% aggregate. Admissions are made subject to approval of the Govt. Any criteria not covered under above provisions will be subject to the ruling of the Eligibility committee.


The institute is located in Chennai in the state of Tamil Nadu. The campus features modern infrastructure facilities that motivate students to pay more focus to their education. The classrooms have been accorded with superior furnishing and current teaching technology. It has a central library that has a good collection of books, based on medical and Para medical sections.


Thai Moogambigai Dental College and Hospital Courses offered

Exams Accepted:



Golden Geroge Nagar
Chennai - 600 107
Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: + 91 - 44 - 6547 9959
Fax: + 91 - 44 - 2653 3884


  • 635018013277569848_Thai Moogambigai Dental College and Hospital Image.jpg
    Thai Moogambigai Dental College and Hospital Image
  • Thai Moogambigai Dental College and Hospital Building
  • Thai Moogambigai Dental College and Hospital Library