• Established In : 2003
    Affiliated To : Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya
    Website : http://www.lnctgroup.in/LNCP
    Address : Kalchuri Nagar, Raisen Road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh - 462021. Tel: +91 755 3985300-04, Fax: +91 755 3985305

Lakshmi Narain College of Pharmacy, Bhopal was established in the year 2003 , renowned as LNCP Bhopal for imparting the best quality of pharmaceutical education to create technical man power for special needs of the industry at both home and abroad.

Institute runs UG programs and PG programs in Pharmaceutical Sciences, affiliated to R.G.P.V. , Bhopal. They are approved by AICTE and PCI, New Delhi and recognized by DTE, MP, Bhopal.


Application for admission to a course should be made in the prescribed application form which is available along with the prospectus.

Candidates belonging to all categories except Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes for admission to the Pharmacy Course should have obtained not less than 50% marks on aggregate in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany/ Zoology) at the qualifying examinations (Academic Stream) after a period of 12 years of study.


The campus provides a serene academic environment, which promotes academic environment. To maintain standards and meet the expectations of the industry, the Institute has developed an industry-oriented curriculum and excellent infrastructure. It includes facilities like well furnished class rooms, large auditorium, conference halls, library, documentation centre, etc.


Laxmi Narayan College of Pharmacy Courses offered

Exams Accepted:


The Training and Placement Cell organizes a number of training programs for the students of all semesters with the help of in-house experts and experts drawn from professional agencies. The activities have proved exceptionally useful in shaping the career of students.


Kalchuri Nagar, Raisen Road, Bhopal,
Madhya Pradesh - 462021.
Tel: +91 755 3985300-04, Fax: +91 755 3985305

