Upcoming MBA entrance exams 2019
Tis the season for MBA Entrance exams in India. The MBA admission season in India has begun. Following is a compilation of important national and state level management entrance tests that would be conducted for MBA Admission in India in 2019-20. These   Upcoming MBA entrance exams 2019 are important for management aspirants intending to build a career in management. These entrance exams, though different in format are based on common objective  ie. to test the ability and aptitiude of students for  MBA or PGDM admission in India in 2019.


Full form




Common Management Admission Test

(a) Quantitative Techniques & Data Interpretation

b) Logical Reasoning

c) Language Comprehension

d) General Awareness

Two exams are conducted a year and best of two scores is used for admission.


Graduate Management Aptitude Test

a) Analytical writing

b) Quantitative and Verbal Ability

Can be attempted any time during the year.


Narsee Monjee Management Aptitude Test

a) Language Skills

b) Quantitative Aptitude

c) Logical Reasoning

Three month exam window and candidates are permitted a maximum of three attempts.


Common Admission Test

a)Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation

b) Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning.

Toughest MBA entrance Exam in India


Management Aptitude Test

a)Language Comprehension

b)Mathematical Skills

c)Data Analysis and Sufficiency

d)Intelligence and Critical Reasoning

e)Indian and Global Environment

Held four times a year.


Symbiosis National Aptitude Test

a) General English

b) Quantitative Aptitude

c) General Awareness

d) Logical Reasoning

Institute level national entrance test.


Xavier Aptitude Test

a)Quantitative Ability

b)English Language & Logical Reasoning

c)Decision Making

d)GK and Essay

Oldest Management Entrance Test in India


Indian Institute of Foreign Trade

a) Quantitative Ability

b) Logical Ability

c) Data Interpretation

d) Verbal Ability

Admission to a wide range of academic programmes


AIMS Test for Management Admission

a) Analytical Reasoning

b) Quantitative Skills

c) Verbal Skills

All India Admission to MBA and PGDM courses of study


Tata Institute of Social Science National Eligibility Test

a)Social Sensitivity

b)Knowledge on Contemporary issues

c)Analytical Ability

d)Logical Reasoning

Masters in Social Work and other related areas


Maharashtra MBA/MMS CET

a)Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

b)Quantitative Aptitude

c)Logical and Abstract Reasoning

Conducted by State DTE for admission to MBA and PGDM courses of study


Institute of Rural Management

a) Analytical Reasoning

b) English Comprehension

c) Quantitative Aptitude

d) Issues of Social Concern

Admission to Management Program in Rural Management.


ICFAI Business Studies Aptitude Test

a)Quantitative techniques

b)Data interpretation

c)Data adequacy


e) Analytical reasoning and reading comprehension.

Conducted by ICFAI for admission to PGPM programs across 13 campuses in India.


Integrated Common Entrance Test

a)Analytical Ability

b)Mathematical Ability

c)Communication Ability

Conducted by Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) for MBA and MCA admission in state.


Karnataka Management Admission Test

a) Language Comprehension

b) Mathematical Skills

c) Basic Aptitude

Conducted for Karnataka Private Postgraduate Colleges Association (KPPGCA) for MBA and MCA admission.


Tamilnadu Common Entrance Test

a) Quantitative Aptitude

b) Data interpretation

c) Logical Reasoning


Common Admission test conducted for admission to MBA/MCA/M.Tech/ME/M.Tech courses of study.


Rajasthan Management Admission Test





a) English

b) Mathematics

c) Logical Reasoning




a) English

b) Reasoning

c) Aptitude


Reading through this list of upcoming MBA entrance exams 2019,  the first thought that would strike your mind is, How to prepare for these exams? Hold on to the thought, as we spill the beans on some tried and tested tips for MBA Entrance Preparation 2019-20. 
MBA Entrance Preparation 2019-20:-
TIP #01: Manage your time: Learn to manage your time from the very outset. Time management is not only an important part of writing the exam but also an important part in preparation. To manage your time well, 
a) Prepare a Timetable for study.
b) Solve Sample Papers.
c) Set a pattern for solving the exam paper.
TIP#02: Study and Practise: There is no substitute for study and practise. Study which includes reading helps you to brush up on concepts while practise helps you to identify questions and answer them well in the exam. 
TIP#03: Allocate Equal time for study sections: No section is small or unimportant. Remember marks in each section counts. Hence allocate sufficient time for study and practise of each section. Do so understanding your strengths and weaknesses. 
TIP#04:- Give importance to basic abilities: An MBA entrance test is not only the assesment of subject knowledge but is also the test of overall ability. Hence give importance to basic abilities such as, language, logical reasoning etc.
TIP#05:- Take Mock Tests: Take as many Mock test as possible. These help you to understand your strengths and weaknesses in order to improve. Note down your mistakes and work on them. 
TIP#06:- Set goals and deadlines: Let not your study be aimless. Plan and work towards the completion of goals and deadlines. This virtue will help you throughout your management career and life. 
TIP#07: Revise what you study : Revise what you study or read so that you remember what you have done. MBA exam preparation is not only about starting and continuing well but also ending your preparation well. 
Be positive and plan to do your best. Eduvidya.com wishes all management aspirants, all the very best for the upcoming MBA entrance exams 2019.