- HomeUniversities in IndiaNational Institute of Technology NIT Jamshedpur
Established In : 1960
Affiliated To : UGC
Website : http://www.nitjsr.ac.in/
Address : NIT Jamshedpur NIT Campus, P.O .RIT Jamshedpur 831014, Jharkhand, India Ph:- +91-657-2407614, 2407642
National Institute of Technology NIT Jamshedpur is a deemed university and an institute of national importance. Orignially founded as Regional Institute of Technology NITJ is third among the eight NIT colleges founded under the Second five year plan. NIT Jamshedpur offers B.Tech course in specializations of Civil Engineering, Computer Science&Engineering, Electrical&Electronics Engineering, Electronics&Communications Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering and also the two year M.Tech course. Admission to these courses is based on JEE (Mains) Exam and GATE score. The institute also offers three year M.C.A course for which admission is done through NIMCET. Apart from Ph.D. degree NITJ also offers continuing education programs in mechanical and electrical disciplines under non-formal B.Sc. Superior student services and central facilities are two key features of National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur. Tranining and placement cell of NITJ provides training and placement assistance to aspirants.
Three key features of National Institute of Technology NIT Jamshedpur
* Student support services
* Central Facilities
* Training and placement assistance
Admission Procedure for Post Graduate Programmes:-
National Institute of Technology NIT Jamshedpur Courses offered
- NIT Jamshedpur MCA
- NIT Jamshedpur Ph D
- NIT Jamshedpur B Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
- NIT Jamshedpur M Tech
- NIT Jamshedpur B Tech in Mechanical Engineering
- NIT Jamshedpur B Tech in Civil Engineering
NIT Jamshedpur
NIT Campus, P.O .RIT Jamshedpur 831014,
Jharkhand, India
Ph:- +91-657-2407614, 2407642